[BOOK|EPUB] Metrics of Affection

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Turns out, though, that Gawker Media, over the past few years. In other words, Gawker Mwtrics is bifurcating its visitors in its evaluation of them, splitting them into two groups: the occasional audience, you might call it, and the core audience. The goal — as it is for so many things in journalism these days — is to leverage the depth against the breadth. As the post puts it: While distributing content across the web is essential for attracting the interest of Affetcion passersby, courting these wanderers, massaging them into occasional visitors, and finally gaining their affection as daily readers is far more important. This core audience — borne of a compounding of word of mouth, search referrals, article recommendations, and successive enjoyed visits that result in regular readership — drives our rich site cultures and premium advertising products. First, for so long we concerned ourselves with reach and becoming a significant enough web population such that advertisers would move us into their consideration set for marketing spend. As far Metrics of Affection premium content sites and brand marketers go, however, that myth is untrue. Another aspect of that case, she adds, is challenging assumptions about reader engagement. The psychology behind the intent to visit and engage with the publisher brand in Metrics of Affection two instances is very similar. Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard, 30 Mar. Last modified March 30, 2010.

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